teamsay - Broadcast a message to your teammates.switch - Switches the server to a new map.stat none - Turns off the display of any stats.stat anim - Show details on what animations are playing.

stat net - Shows network performance statistics including ping, packet loss, bytes/second.Note especially the Staticmesh/Triangles count. stat render - Shows stats about rendering.stat hardware - Shows interesting hardware stats.stat fps - Shows frame time in milliseconds.shot - Take a screenshot and save it in the System directory with a consecutive name like Shot0001.bmp.setres WxHxD - Set the resolution and color depth.It automatically writes to the User.ini file. set - Sets the specified property of the specified class with the specified value.say - Broadcast a message to other players in the game.sad - Login as admin with specified password.reconnect - Reconnect to the previous server.Can be useful to open custom maps in single player. You'll need to edit your Swat4(X)(Dedicated).ini file to unban their IP. kickban - Kick a player and ban his/her IP.get - Gets the default value for a variable in a class.Can be useful to reduce lag or to clear texture corruption due to 3D hardware driver bugs.

Regenerates all lighting, 3D hardware textures, etc. All console commands are case-insensitive. You can open the console simply by pressing a special key which is usually the key to the left of "1" on US keyboards.